How does Choosing IDC work?
This is an exchange that explains how the website works, the basic function of the site is to provide the best PADI Instructor Development Courses (IDCs) for divers wanting to take their dive career to the next professional level.
Q Hi Choosing IDC, I work on IDCs in Africa and perhaps soon in Europe and noticed your site – I presume you’re acting as agents for potential PADI Instructors and I am really interested in what you have so please tell me more, I’m keen to know.
A Yes we promote our Course Directors and the IDCs through the website. If you are a Platinum CD resident at an established 5 Star PADI IDC Center then we have a process in place to get you on the website (process involves asking the other CDs about your suitability and research about your reputation).
Q How do you work it? – is there a commission fee / subscription model? How long have you been doing this? Do you have any figures to show the benefits of being associated with the website? I’m not the CD – I’m just an MI helping out the CD I have worked with over the years and looking into possibilities for him. And yes he is a platinum CD.
A Its a subscription and commission model the way it works is:
1, If your application is successful then we agree a initial agreement in terms of time for you to be included on the website.
2, you get a keep all direct referrals to the site without any commission payment.
We want the best PADI Course Directors and their IDCs to be easily found by Divemasters who want to become Instructors, it’s as simple as that.